Flexibility in knowing school mathematics

In the contexts of a Swedish and an Indian school class

Ingrid Dash - ISBN: 978-3-8383-0675-9

Buddhism in Clinical Psychology

A Context Mapping Approach

Eman Fallah Psy.D. - ISBN: 978-3-8383-0669-8

Inhibition of platelets with combination of natural agents

Synergistic effects of antiaggregants

Vilja Mardla, Gennadi Kobzar - ISBN: 978-3-8383-0674-2

Mapping the World

Towards a Sociosemiotic Approach to Culture

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A study of union commitment in different sectors

Union commitment: A study between a public sector union and a private sector union in Malaysia

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Link of Jurisdiction in Article 62 Proceedings before the ICJ

Development of the Requirement for Link of Jurisdiction in Article 62 Intervention Proceedings before the International Court of Justice

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Preserving Circuit Breaker Adequacy in Electric Power Systems

Concepts, Implications, and Methodologies

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Pedagogical Behaviors of Physical Educators

Pedagogical Behaviors of Physical Educators in Their Dual Roles of Coach and Teacher

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Social security law and Policy Reform in Tanzania

Reflections from South African Experience

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Trace Elements in Soil Pore Water

A Comparison of Sampling Methods

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