Monoamine Transporter Inhibitors

Novel Target for Drug Development

Rohan P. Perera - ISBN: 978-3-8383-7595-3

Lexical, Semantic and Grammar Peculiarities of Fashion Terminology

Applied Linguistics

Margarita Masnic - ISBN: 978-3-8383-7587-8

Cyber World: Potentials and Risks

Exploit Potentials and Mitigate Risks of Cyber Technology

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The Use of a Single Smart Card for Transit and Non-Transit Systems

A Singapore Case Study

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Young''s Modulus Decrease after Cold Forming in High Strength Steels

An Investigation Into the Mechanism using Bake Hardenable Steel

Abdul Haleem, Zeeshan Azmat - ISBN: 978-3-8383-7616-5

Domestic Water Resources Management In Yaounde, Cameroon

Domestic Water Resources and Water related Diseases

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Taking Our Amusements Seriously

The Realist One-Act Play in the English Theatre, 1900 to 1920

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An investigation of the origin of the Kangal dogs in Turkey

Genetic distinction between Kangal, Akbash and other dog populations

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Proposals for Enhancing the Provision of Quality of Service in Grids

Agustín Carlos Caminero Herráez - ISBN: 978-3-8383-7652-3

Web Based Information System (WBIS)

Measuring Satisfaction Of Usage For E-Services

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