Diversification of Atlantic salmon grow-out technology

An integrated comparison of cage and recirculating systems producing 1,000t a year

Eric Leclercq - ISBN: 978-3-8443-2442-6

Magnetic properties of CoCu nanowires in self-assembled arrays

The effects of pulse electrodeposition condition and annealing on the CoCu nanowires

Fatemeh Adelnia Najafabadi, Marzieh zangouri - ISBN: 978-3-8443-2464-8

Non-ulcerogenic New Anti-inflammatory Drugs

Novel Class of Non-ulcerogenic, Anti-inflammatory and Anti-nociceptive Agents

Gamal Elmegeed, Emad F. Eskander, Marian G. William - ISBN: 978-3-8443-2544-7

Harmonic Source Localization in Power Systems

Single and Multiple Harmonic Sources

Masoud Farhoodnea, Azah Mohamed, Hussain Shareef - ISBN: 978-3-8443-2639-0



Nikolay Samoylenko - ISBN: 978-3-8443-2661-1

superconductivity and ferromagnetism interplay in layered junctions

Odd triplet superconductivity in superconductor ferromagnet structures

Victor Shelukhin - ISBN: 978-3-8443-2830-1

Analytical Method development by Liquid Chromatography

Development and Validation of Analytical Methods for the Assay of Selected Drugs in Pharmaceutical Dosage forms and Biological fluids

PRAFULLA KUMAR SAHU, M. Mathrusri Annapurna - ISBN: 978-3-8443-2869-1

Термины исторической грамматики русского языка

Многоаспектный анализ по материалам учебной и справочной литературы рубежа XX - XXI вв.

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Новая российская опера в контексте постмодернизма

Либретто, музыка, сценические версии

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Литературная обработка произведений для детей

Теория, проблемы создания, редакционная подготовка

Наталия Иншакова, Александра Доброхотова - ISBN: 978-3-8433-2415-1