Open Source Software for Libraries

A hands-on tool

Dr. Bhaskar Mukherjee, Prashant Kumar - ISBN: 978-3-8383-3535-3

Symbolic Portrayal of Characters in Al – Tayeb Salih''s Fiction

An Integrated Analytical Study of Fiction

Rania Ali M. Al - Nour - ISBN: 978-3-8383-3542-1

Molecular Characterization of Sugar Metabolism in Carrot

Study of the Rs gene in near-isogenic carrot (Daucus carota L.) inbred lines accumulating different sugars

Yuan-Yeu Yau - ISBN: 978-3-8383-3543-8

Regression with Incomplete Information and Sensing Actions

A state-based regression approach for conditional planning with binary and multi-valued domains

Tuan Le - ISBN: 978-3-8383-3545-2

A Formal Design for Three-Dimensional Spatial Data in Database Systems

A Spatial Data Model

Brian E. Weinrich - ISBN: 978-3-8383-3544-5

Receptivity and Defensiveness in Communicative Language Learning

Receptivity and Defensiveness A Correlational Perspective of Affecto – Cognitive Factors

Khalid Ahmed Hassan - ISBN: 978-3-8383-3540-7

An Adaptive Hybrid Genetic Algorithm – Simulated Annealing Approach

A New Hybridization Technique Applied to Solving the MAP Problem in Bayesian Belief Networks

Manar Hosny - ISBN: 978-3-8383-3529-2

From Lictors to Apostles

An Examination of the Synoptic Use of Roman Symbols of Power

Devan Hite - ISBN: 978-3-8383-3530-8

Design and Control of Self-organizing Systems

Facing Complexity with Adaptation and Self-organization

Carlos Gershenson - ISBN: 978-3-8383-3528-5

Demystifying House of Sand and Fog

A Study Through Postcolonial and Feminist Lenses

Darcy Ark - ISBN: 978-3-8383-3531-5