Environmental Scanning and Information Sharing Mechanisms of SMEs

A Study of Singapore Firms

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Beneficial Mutations in Lytic Viruses

Fixation Probabilities and Adaptation Rates

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MRI and implantable devices

Thermal effects induced by magnetic resonance imaging on endocardial leads: numerical models and experimental validation

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Metal containing polymers for optical applications

Metal Containing Composites with tailor made optical properties

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Separation Logic for Multithreaded Object-Oriented Languages

Full-Fledged Verification and Automatic Parallelization of Programs

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Rural Development in Mongolia

Role of Tourism in Local Prosperity: A case of Uvurkhangai province

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Questionnaire Design of Self-Administered Paper and Online Surveys

Efficiency Considerations

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A Framework Methodology for Cumulative Impact Assessment of Wetlands

Review and Findings

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Usability evaluation of web-based GIS applications

A comparative study of Google Maps and MapsQuest

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