Western Himalayan Foreland Basin, India

Extensional tectonics and climate in pedo-gemorphological and sedimentary evolution of the Western Gangetic Plain, India

Balaji Bhosle, B. Parkash, V. Acharya - ISBN: 978-3-8383-3655-8

Desenmascarando al psicópata

Evidencia empírica sobre la asociación del déficit afectivo y el comportamiento violento

María Pilar Tormo Irún - ISBN: 978-3-8383-3663-3

Advanced Channel Estimation and Multiuser Detection in GSM

SAGE-Based Iterative Single-Antenna Interference Cancellation

Thomas Arildsen, Jesper Blauendahl - ISBN: 978-3-8383-3660-2

Iterative Hillclimbing Optimization Techniques

For Transform Image Encoding / Decoding And For Image Segmentation

Piya Bunyaratavej - ISBN: 978-3-8383-3665-7

Parameterized SOC Design for Battery Powered Portable Systems

A study to increase the life-time of battery powered portable systems

Sumant Bhutoria - ISBN: 978-3-8383-3671-8

Errors-in-variables filtering and identification techniques

towards nonlinear models for real-world systems incorporating a priori knowledge

Benoit Vinsonneau - ISBN: 978-3-8383-3675-6


The identification of shortcomings in accident data, data adjustment, cost and modelling of road accident fatalities

Jamil Naji - ISBN: 978-3-8383-3676-3

Turbulence in the Management of Health Services

Change, Inertia, Power and the Professions

Jennene Greenhill - ISBN: 978-3-8383-3649-7

Jewish Midrash through the lens of the Multiple Intelligence theory

Ancient Jewish stories in a new light

stephen wise - ISBN: 978-3-8383-3670-1