Apple pomace drying

Drying Characteristics of apple pomace

RACHANA SHALINI - ISBN: 978-3-8433-5915-3

The Value of Australia''s Tropical Wetlands

An Assessment For National Heritage and Ramsar Listing

Veronica French - ISBN: 978-3-8433-6108-8

Exploitation and Health Issues of Brick Kiln Labors

Exploitation and Health Issues

Nosheen Yasin Khan - ISBN: 978-3-8433-6086-9

Advancing Learning and Evolutionary Game Theory

with an Application to Social Dilemmas

Luis R. Izquierdo - ISBN: 978-3-8433-6133-0


Multinational Corporations and Constraints - Dedicated to sharing Information Technology experience

EMMANUEL ONYEJEOSE - ISBN: 978-3-8433-5852-1

Action Learning

Managers accounts of being in an action learning set

Annie Yeadon-Lee - ISBN: 978-3-8433-6147-7

Radiation Pressure Force on Non-spherical (Disk-type) Dust Particle

Magnetite and Silicate materials using Discrete Dipole Approximation (DDA) Method

Ripon Dey - ISBN: 978-3-8433-6173-6

Design, Discovery and Construction of Service-oriented Systems

Discovery of services as a composition problem

Benjamin Kanagwa - ISBN: 978-3-8433-6072-2

Algebras of coloured/ Petri nets

and their applications to modelling and verification

Franck Pommereau - ISBN: 978-3-8433-6113-2

Plate shell structures of glass

Studies leading to guidelines for structural design

Anne Bagger - ISBN: 978-3-8383-9944-7