Solar Hot Water Heating Systems

A Comparative Analysis of Evacuated Tube vs. Flat Panel Designs

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Tourism and Community Participation: a Gender Perspective

Residents'' Perceptions in the City of Bath

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Body Condition Score (BCS) system

Ideal managemental tool for optimal performance of farm and pet animals

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An Ecologist's Jungle Journal

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Schema Changing in Data Warehouse Through Deferential Patterns

Hierarchical Degenerate Snowflake(HDS)

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Canine Distemper and its Diagnosis

Comparative diagnostic application of clinical samples and lymphopenia

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Art,wit,wisdom of African proverbs from the bukusu of western Kenya

Endangered African proverbs Bukusu (Kenya) proverbs

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Applications of Refrigerants in Spacecraft Propulsion

Integration and test of a Refrigerant-Based Cold-Gas Propulsion System for Small Satellites

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Sequential and Parallel Algorithms

for Network Packet Classification

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The alien presence

Palaeoentomological approaches to trade and migration

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